Bible Stuff That Won't Bore You

15 minutes with God is more beneficial than spending the rest of the day without Him

I am a very busy person.   During the course of a day, I am constantly making phone calls, sitting in meetings, coordinating vendor partnerships, negotiating new relationships, and seeing to all sorts of professional responsibilities. I sleep with my phone underneath my pillow, and it is the first thing that I reach for even before I get out of bed.

I am a very busy person

During the course of a day, I am constantly making phone calls, sitting in meetings, coordinating vendor partnerships, negotiating new relationships, and seeing to all sorts of professional responsibilities. I sleep with my phone underneath my pillow, and it is the first thing that I reach for even before I get out of bed

I work a lot and my job is almost always top of mind

During the course of a day, I could spend five minutes in a conversation that has the potential to secure a business deal that employs a variety of people across the globe

It goes without saying, that my time is very, very precious

However, no matter how many deals I make, how many business trips I take, or how many new business challenges I square off against and overcome, nothing is more valuable than my quiet times of song and prayer where I feel God draw near because I make effort to welcome him

The adrenaline rush I get from making a sale or hiring a good employee does nothing to compare to the serenity and electricity that I feel when God is close

Sitting in front of the TV does nothing for me in the short or long-term, nor does playing video games, watching movies, eating out, dancing, etc…

Everything just melts away when I feel that warm embrace of God’s presence as he manifests within my heart

These moments put everything in my life into perspective, and remind me that He is the real reason I am here, and the real one that I serve

I welcome you to share this awesome experience with me by making time, at any time, to spend fifteen minutes in prayer, and sing if you are somewhere you can, to welcome God closer to you every day

If you have the time to check your email, write a text message, or read the news during the course of your day, then you have the time to draw close to God at least once!

Wait for his presence, and learn to wait for his voice

James 4:8
Come near to God and he will come near to you

Hebrews 11:6
…anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him

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  • Yes, I totally agree. Sometimes when I’m too busy to talk to God I would have the most frustrating day ever. Then I sit and ask myself, did I talk to God today? Sometimes if you sit long enough and actually listen (which is hard for me since my mind is always in 10 different places) you can concentrate on what God is trying to tell you. I usally spend more time with him at home but sometimes all hell breaks loose while you’re not at home. Then you have to repeat “Lawd help me” for 15 minutes, lol. You get the crazy look from co-workers at times but you know. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • great way to keep close to Him Jesus. Jesus is Joy and sometimes things and people will try and cast a shadow on Him. I have put scripture on my desk, Psalm 19:14 Let the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. (KJV)

  • I have found that making a routine of spending time with God is both helpfull and unhelpfull. It’s helpfull because it makes spending time with God a part of the beginning and end of my day. I wake up and read my bible and pray, and before I close my eyes I read my bible and pray. The rub is that it become a routine. Spending time with God becomes another mindless chore like brushing your teeth, it’s just something that you do every day. So, to avoid this happening, I also go to God when I need to relax. I keep my bible on my desk so that when work becomes too much, I open it and read a chapter, I ask God to help me relax. This way my time with God happens regularly, but isn’t a chore, it’s a way to relax, to get comfort from The Father.

    • Hello,

      We do not crave things we aren’t hungry for!

      I love spending time with God during these few minutes of solace in a day, but he is always there, even in the busiest of times too

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