Weird Human Behavior

If you are happy, temptation won’t be an issue

So...   I am probably the only person in the world who struggles with temptations in their life, am I right?   Right?   *crickets*


I am probably the only person in the world who struggles with temptations in their life, am I right?



Okay, so let’s be real, everyone has faced, or is facing, temptation in some form or another.

1 John 1:8
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us

In our lives, there are things that we struggle against, some things that we are fully given over to, and there are also things that we don’t entertain at all.

For me, no matter what the temptation is, or how intense it is, I have to admit that a piece of me wanted to do whatever it was that I was tempted by.

Admitting that we are intrigued, curious or drawn to our temptations is an important step to overcoming them.

James 1:14
but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed

It is sometimes an awkward, although proud, moment when we can first admit that there is something that draws us toward our temptations.

In my experiences, it is important to always fill ourselves up with good things so that nothing bad can have a place in our hearts, minds or bodies.

What does this mean?

Have you ever sat down and eaten a meal until you were full? After that, have you ever tried to eat another meal?

As if, right?

You were probably so full the thought of more food was just not enticing at all. But, when our bodies are hungry, the smell of even sub-par food is enough to make a stomach rumble.

The same thing is true when you really enjoy your job, car, wardrobe, house, etc… as you don’t always have your eyes open looking for another one.

Proverbs 27:7
He who is full loathes honey, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet

I find that when my heart and life is filled up with God’s love and goodness, I don’t find myself hungering for things that are negative. If I become spiritually full on God’s love and righteousness, bad things just look gross–even if they looked good before.

To fully embrace God, ourselves, or anyone else, we need to love them fully. This is the only way to prevent spiritual, emotional, physical, and intellectual divides from appearing, and keeps our attention where it should be.

We can’t half-love someone and expect that the relationship will be as fruitful as if we loved them with our whole heart can we?

Have you ever enjoyed food that someone only half-cooked? Sure it is food and it has nutritional value, but it isn’t what it could be.

So to keep away from temptation, we must do everything we can to love and honor God in our hearts, not just our lives. If we honor God inside first, everything outside will fall into place.

When we love someone, we care about their feelings and make sure we don’t do anything to damage the relationship.

If we love God, we won’t have to be “obedient” and feel that our lives are restricted by rules–our lives will reflect God’s own righteousness as it dwells within our hearts.

Luke 10:27
He answered: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'”

Right now, I am struggling with letting go of negative relationships. To help, I am trying to fill my life with good, positive things that will fill my heart with peace. I am trying to do constructive things with my time that keep me from being drawn to things that I know are bad, but I know I like.

Please pray for me if you feel inspired.

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  • Temptations are everyday spiritual battles for men and women. You have the right solution. Before I leave my home in the morning I plug up my cell phone so it has full power. I do the same with my spirit. I plug into the word of God so I have full power when I face the world and its temptations. I am a man in the world but not a man of the world. I am a man of God. Praying for you everyday. Meet you in Heaven!

    • Hi Neal, good to hear from you. Satan prowls like a lion without ceasing, waiting for someone to give in. There are so many things that we can get distracted by, the parable of the sower was on my mind last night as I considered how many things there are in life that can turn our focus away from God. The good thing, is that He is always with us, and it is a gift to be able to reach out for him whenever we want to, regardless of what is happening in our lives.

  • Hi,
    Many times negative relationships have a direct impact on our self esteem but, this is where God reminds us that he loves us beyond ourselves – for when we were without strength Christ died for us. Through pain many have discovered that extra strength that only God can give-and they refuse to allow the devil to cause them to live their life as if the God they serve is not able to keep them – because, Christ Jesus is faithful. Please, pray for those that are experiencing hurt and pain.

  • I once heard a sermon expressing, “If it’s not in your appetite, it can’t turn your head”.

    I must concur. We each struggle in different areas. Although I may not share in your weakness, I have other vices that are not pleasing to the Lord.

    Bottom line is, as Nathan mentioned, your love for the Lord should supersede your desire to satisfy your flesh. Each time we choose to look the other way (toward sin, instead of toward God)we break God’s heart. Why would I want to intentionally hurt the one my soul loves?

    I’m not trying to portray myself as some super-strong, pious saint…but I am saying that “He is able to keep us from falling” if we desire to be kept.

    You’ve got to want His presence more than anything else. How bad do you want Jesus? It will definitely show in your walk and your desire to commit.

    What happens when find the love of your life? You make a lifetime vow, through marriage, to love, honor forever-ever. Have you said your I do’s to God, or are you still just dating?

    • Hello. I was reading your comment Hurting, and it struck me in a way that I know was from God. The reality is, I struggle with a lot of things regarding relationships and seeking validation, sometimes from almost anyone who will give it to me, even if it is completely false and empty. When I read your point about whether someone is committed or just dating, that hit home as I know there are things in my life that would an objective observer would conclude as signs that I am still just dating. I really appreciate, and respect, the honesty and openness we can discuss these things with; thank you!

  • Hi Nathan, this really means to me, I know in my heart how grateful I am for what God has done in my life, showing me the love that I’ve been searching for all of my life, and now as I pursue and serve God and patiently waiting for that partner that He is preparing for me, ever since I know God I am always tempted to have a relationship with a non believer since every man coming my way is a non believer, I keep on guarding my heart bcoz i don’t want to hurt the Lord just for a short happiness a partner will bring me. one thing i am afraid of is seeing myself alone, and every time trials come my way, bombarding me with lots of difficulties this thoughts creeps in again in my life, but i stand on what I’ve been praying for to God, a man that will lead me deeper with Him, the one who lead our family closer to God. by God’s grace i will overcome this temptation and will patiently wait for my Godly-man.

    • Hi Andie,

      Thank you for saying hello, it is very nice to meet you

      Praise God you have the understanding behind the value of waiting for a godly spouse, it is that kind of faith that God is pleased with, as it reflects how our hope is truly set on following his will, not only when it is convenient, but also when we do not see the desires of our heart on the horizon

      Hebrews 11:1-2
      Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for

      Hebrews 11:6
      And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him

      During the years when I was maturing in this particular area, I thought I was waiting patiently, but in the end I chose to date non-Christians, which led to many years of grief, wasted time, and separation from God

      At the time, I did not realize the worst thing I was doing was separating myself from God, as I was flagrantly disobeying what he commanded, and all for the sake of feeling validated

      I am proud of you for valuing your relationship with God above the fleeting happiness worldly relationships provide, as it shows how your hope is truly set on God

      1 Corinthians 7:29-31
      What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have wives should live as if they do not; those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy, as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; those who use the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is passing away

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