Personal Blog

Day 1: The start of a seven day water fast

In order to prepare for some intense prayer with my mom and Amy next week, I am going on a seven day water fast   The fast is designed to focus my mind and spirit on things that I need to pray about in order to become fully healed from some lingering negative emotional patterns, and physical illnesses



In order to prepare for some intense prayer with my mom and Amy next week, I am going on a seven day water fast


The fast is designed to strengthen and focus my mind and spirit on things that I need to pray about in order to become fully healed from some lingering negative emotional patterns, and physical illnesses


My Girlish Figure!

I don’t have a girlish figure


Fasting Is Incredibly Cleansing

If you have never tried fasting, it is hard to relate to


The only thing that I can describe it like, is doing serious long-distance running


Not the kind of running where someone bolts to the refrigerator during a commercial break, but long-distance running in the form of a three+ miles


The pain that is experienced with running that far, and also the sheer force of will that is required to stay the course, is remarkable, but it subsides


The Body’s Revolt

With both fasting and running, the start is by far the worst, because our bodies really don’t like to respond with extreme exertion unless they have to


The first ten to twelve minutes of a run are always the worst for me


My body complains, whines, and makes a lot of noise, but eventually just gives up and starts outputting what it needs to when it sees that it won’t win the contest of wills


Fasting is very similar in that the first few days are rough, and your breath smells, but the rest isn’t so bad


My Day

In a cavalier start to the fast, I ate a very light dinner last night, then hit the gym this morning for an hour to do some weight training. I usually can get to day seven without adjusting my lifestyle too much, so I should be okay to make it through this time as well




Revelations During A Fast Are The Best

Apart from the exercise and strict all air diet, God is already revealing things to pray about as I am peeling back some layers on my personality that are interesting to see


A lot of negative things happened to me when I was a child, and I want to prepare for my upcoming marriage to Amy with the purest heart, mind, and spirit


Keep the revelations coming God!


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  • The average human can only survive up to 4 days without water. But unlike you, the average human does not fully have God’s love in his heart. This is not only a test of human endurance, but also one of faith and spiritual strength. Some people may say you’re crazy. Others may remain skeptical, but just know that I have no doubt in mind that through the power of God, you will succeed and emerge cleansed of all stress and harm.

    Can’t Wait to See You Again,

    • Hi Daniel!
      Thank you for the support and encouragement, that really means a lot
      I am looking forward to calling you a brother soon

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